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Prime™ Hearing – Tinnitus and Ear Health Formula_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Hearing – Tinnitus and Ear Health Formula
Single Bottle (30 Servings)

Primary Benefits*:

Helps to maintain nerve health and functions
Helps to maintain the health of auditory cells exposed to noise
May help to clarify auditory sounds/noises
May help to maintain hearing
May help to reduce mild tinnitus (ringing in ears)
Promotes circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to cells to promote optimal hearing
Promotes the health and retention of auditory cells

What Makes This Product Unique?

Age related hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears or head noise) is a common issue affecting millions of Americans. The American Tinnitus Association (ATA) estimates that nearly 50 million people are affected by tinnitus to some degree. According to the Mayo Clinic, “tinnitus isn’t a disease; it’s a symptom that can be caused by a number of medical conditions. Tinnitus may be the result of age-related hearing loss or ear injury, or it may be an indication of poor circulatory health.” Tinnitus is defined as that annoying ringing, buzzing and chirping, humming, beating, roaring or rushing noise in the head when there are no external sounds present. Along with tinnitus, reduction in hearing, poor auditory cell health and overall ear health decline is part of the aging process.*

Hearing is a complex process converting sound waves into nerve impulses. The process of hearing noises and other sounds begins with sound waves, which are reflected when they encounter the pinna ? folds of cartilage that make up the outer ear. The pinna transmits the sound waves to the brain so it can determine the direction of the sound. The sound wave then enters the ear canal, which amplifies the sound and delivers it to the eardrum or tympanum (tympanic membrane) that separates the outer ear and middle ear. Three tiny, delicate bones called the auditory ossicles [the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup)] transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window, which separates the middle ear from the inner ear.

The inner ear consists of the cochlea. The cochlea contains three fluid-filled sections, supporting a fluid wave driven by pressure across the basilar membrane separating two of the sections. Within the cochlea is the corti organ, which forms a ribbon of sensory epithelium, running lengthwise down the cochlea. The corti contains hair cells that detect the vibrations, transforming the fluid waves into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel through the auditory nerves to the thalamus where the signal is relayed to the cortex. The primary auditory cortex, located in the temporal lobe in the brain, is where the electrical signals are interpreted as sounds. Working in unison, this complex system of collection, transmission, and deciphering of signals is registered as sound. When any part of this process is interrupted, hearing can become compromised, thus resulting in ringing, buzzing or other disruptions to normal ear function.

Prime™ Hearing is a proprietary formulation of green tea extract, vinpocetin, folinic acid, magnesium and zinc, designed to promote ear health. Prime Hearing helps to maintain nerve health and functions, helps to promote the health and retention of auditory cells, may help to maintain hearing as we age, may help to clarify auditory sounds or noises, promotes circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients to cells, and promotes the health and retention of auditory cells. Prime Hearing promotes ear health by promoting lipid health, reinforcing the antioxidant activities, promoting normal blood flow to the inner ear and brain, helping maintain healthy homocysteine levels, vasodilation, and supporting normal nerve impulse transmissions.*

Key Ingredients:

Green Tea Extract: 150 mg (total 300 mg/day)

Green tea extract has been used medicinally for centuries in India and China. A number of health benefits are related to regular consumption of green tea and dried/powdered extracts of green tea that are available in some dietary supplements. The active components in green tea are a family of polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols, which possess potent antioxidant activity. Several catechins are present in major quantities; epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG makes up around 10 to 50 percent of the total catechin content and appears to be the most powerful of all the catechins, with antioxidant activity about 25 to 100 times more powerful than vitamins C and E.*

Green tea extract is reported to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and promoting normal blood clotting. Green tea contains a substantial amount of antioxidants, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which help to promote a healthy immune system. Green tea’s polyphenolic antioxidants support cardiovascular health, reduce free radical oxidative damage to cells, and supports the normal oxidation of LDL cholesterol.*

Green tea components such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) have been proven to promote the health of lipids, which in turn helps to protect hearing. Though the exact mechanism by which green tea works to protect the auditory neurons is unknown, it is hypothesized that in addition to promoting lipid health, it helps by reducing the presence of free radicals, and by reinforcing the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), thereby reducing oxidative damage.*

Vinpocetine: 7.5 mg (total 15 mg/day)

Vinpocetine supports normal blood flow, which is beneficial to healthy brain function. Preliminary evidence indicates that vinpocetine supports cerebral circulation and promotes glucose and oxygen consumption by the brain. Vinpocetine’s age management benefits may include improved concentration.*

Vinpocetine promotes normal dilation of arteries and capillaries in the head area, supporting healthy vascular resistance, promoting healthy production of ATP, and promoting healthy circulation to the brain and cells of the inner ear. By promoting optimal circulation, vinpocetine supports nutrient and oxygen delivery to cells thus helping to retain the health of the cells. In the same way that fatty plaque can build up in the body, it can also build up around the arteries and veins in and around the ear. Vinpocetine works to promote healthy blood flow and glucose utilization in cases where fatty plaques are built up in the arteries that feed the inner ear and brain.*

Folinic Acid: 400 mcg (total 800 mcg/day)

Folic acid/folinic assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis, This works toward supporting healthy cardiovascular and nervous systems. Folic acid/folinic acid has been proven to promote healthy levels of homocysteine, a sulfur containing amino acid, by promoting the normal conversion of homocysteine to methionine. In the absence of adequate folic acid levels, homocysteine levels increase. High homocysteine levels are associated with increased oxidative damage in the cardiovascular system, and the reduced circulation of oxygen and nutrients to the heart, ears, and other organs.*

Magnesium: 200 mg (total 400 mg/day)

Magnesium is a vital structural component of bone. It promotes normal energy production, ion movements across cell membranes, heart and nerve function, retention of electrolyte balance and mental function. It is a necessary component in at least 300 enzymatic processes that occur daily in the human body.*

Magnesium deficiency is not uncommon, particularly among women. Magnesium helps the body maintain nerve and muscle electrical potentials and promotes the proper transmission of impulses across neuromuscular junctions.*

Magnesium has been proven to help maintain the health of auditory cells that have been exposed to noise. Though the exact mechanism by which magnesium works to protect the ear is not known, it is thought that it works by promoting normal vasodilation to allow for proper circulation of oxygen and nutrients to hearing cells, as an important component in nerve impulse conduction, as a critical co-factor in hundreds of biochemical reactions, and by promoting the normal production of ATP.*

Zinc: 12.5 mg (total 25 mg/day)

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that has functions in 300 different enzymatic reactions. Zinc plays a part in almost all biochemical pathways and physiological processes. Zinc is found in virtually all body tissues, with the highest concentration of zinc within the ear. Zinc plays a role in supporting a healthy immune system. Zinc is involved in such a great number of enzymatic processes it has been found to support a large range of physiological functions such as energy production, cognitive function and carbohydrate metabolism (glucose utilization and insulin production).*

Zinc supplementation has been proven to reduce the severity of symptoms of mild tinnitus and to help maintain hearing. Zinc deficiency has been associated with the occurrence of tinnitus and a decline in ear function. It is thought that zinc promotes hearing retention by promoting normal nerve impulse transmission and by reducing the occurrence and damage related to reactive oxygen species.*

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

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Prime™ Time – Performance Formula for Men_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Time – Performance Formula for Men
Single Bottle (30 Servings)

Primary Benefits:

Promotes normal erections
Promotes healthy erectile quality
Helps maintain healthy testosterone levels
Supports healthy sexual desire
Supports healthy male libido
Supports male sexual vitality
Supports/promotes normal production of nitric oxide (NO)
Supports/promotes normal blood vessel dilation
Supports normal blood flow to the genitals
Supports athletic and physical performance
Supports endurance and strength
Promotes healthy sperm count and sperm motility

Key Ingredients:

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed, also known as epimedium, is a genus of 21 related plant species. The Chinese refer to epimedium as “yin yang huo,” which has been loosely translated by some as “licentious goat plant” and explains why Western supplement companies have adopted the titillating name by which it is known in the U.S. (horny goat weed). Epimedium is grown as an ornamental herb in Asia and the Mediterranean region, and various species are used for health-related purposes. The use of epimedium as a health-related herb dates back to at least 400 A.D. when it was used as a tonic to support libido and relieve fatigue. Horny goat weed is thought to work via modulation of cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone. Under conditions of high stress, increased cortisol levels are known to cause fatigue and depress sex drive — so maintaining normal cortisol levels back into normal ranges is also thought to help maintain a normal metabolism, libido and enhance energy levels. Horny goat weed helps the body maintain healthy levels of testosterone, which supports libido, helps maintain relaxed, smooth muscles and promotes healthy blood vessel dilation. A constituent, icariin, found in horny goat weed has also been demonstrated to promote normal erections.*


Schizandra, also known as wu-wei-zi and sometimes spelled with an “s” (schizandra) has a long history of use in ancient Chinese healthcare as an herb capable of promoting general well-being and enhancing vitality. Schizandra and its products originated from the red berries that grow on a vine belonging to the magnolia family. Approximately 25 species of schizandra exist, and all are indigenous to Asia except for a rare form of the vine that grows in wooded areas in North Carolina and surrounding states. In dried form, schizandra berries are referred to as wu-wei-zi. In addition to its traditional use of promoting energy, schizandra has historically been taken to promote sexual vitality, to promote mental function, to beautify the skin, to support a healthy respiratory system and to support a good night sleep.

Schizandra is known for its ability to promote healthy levels of nitric oxide, which is an important component of erection physiology. It is a proven adaptogen, which moderates the body’s response to stress, boosts mood and promotes a healthy liver. It functions to promote physical strength and enhance physical performance.

Panax Ginseng

Korean or panax ginseng grows on moist, shaded mountainsides in China, Korea and Russia. It is a perennial herb that reaches heights of two feet or more, and is distinguished by its dark green leaves and red clusters of berries.

Ginseng is believed to possess outstanding health properties, promote wisdom and longevity and support neurological functions. Ginseng is an adaptogen, which helps the body maintain proper balance, slow the effects of aging and fight fatigue. It has been used to maintain good cardiovascular health. By acting as an adaptogen, it aids the body in directly dealing with the effects of mental and physical stress. Ginseng is used to enhance physical (including sexual) and mental performance. It is used to increase energy and promote resistance to the harmful effects of stress and aging. Health-related use of ginseng can be traced back nearly 2,000 years. In traditional Chinese healthcare, ginseng was used to promote strength, promote normal blood volume, promote life and appetite, promote wisdom and quiet the spirit. Ginseng was used for supporting memory, cognition and gastrointestinal health. Ginseng promotes yang energy, normal circulation, enhances the immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood supply and promotes overall health and well-being. Ginseng may also assist in helping to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Panax ginseng has been shown to promote an increase in sexual desire and support the ability to attain erections. It works to promote the normal production of nitric oxide, thereby supporting healthy blood vessel dilation. It also helps to promote normal sperm count and testosterone levels.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus (puncture vine) is a vine that has been used as a general tonic for energy, but is found primarily in dietary supplements marketed for promoting normal testosterone levels in bodybuilders and power athletes. The idea behind tribulus is that it may help maintain normal testosterone levels indirectly by helping to maintain blood levels of another hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is produced by the pituitary gland and plays a role in regulating natural testosterone production and serum levels.

Tribulus terrestris promotes normal erections by supporting healthy testosterone levels, which are contingent upon normal levels of the luteinizing hormone (LH). Tribulus terrestris also promotes normal DHEA levels, which supports erectile quality, enhances sexual desire and physical performance.

Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is sometimes called a “living fossil” because it is believed to be the world’s oldest living species of tree at around 200 million years old. The Ginkgo tree has been used in traditional Chinese healthcare for over 4,000 years. Various parts of the Ginkgo tree were reportedly used to promote respiratory health, healthy circulation, digestive health, memory function and as a longevity elixir. In Germany, Ginkgo is a top-selling, over-the-counter and prescription drug. Now, ginkgo biloba extracts, produced from the leaves of cultivated trees, are still very popular. High-quality ginkgo biloba extract is usually standardized to 24 percent ginkgo flavone glycosides and six percent terpene lactones. It has been found to promote healthy blood circulation to the brain, improving alertness and memory. It also protects neurons and has an impact on increasing energy levels. Further, it can act to improve mood and acts as an antioxidant.

Gingko biloba promotes men’s sexual health and erection quality. Ginkgo also promotes the ability to attain normal erections by supporting blood circulation to genitals and helping to maintain relaxed vascular smooth muscles in the penis.


Zinc is an important trace mineral found in every cell of the body. Because zinc is an essential part of nearly 300 different biochemical pathways, structure/function claims can be made for the nutrient’s role in a wide variety of processes including digestion, normal energy production, growth, cellular repair and healing, collagen synthesis, bone strength, cognitive function, carbohydrate metabolism (glucose utilization and insulin production) and reproductive function. Even mild zinc deficiency has been associated with depressed immunity and impaired memory. Perhaps the most popular use for zinc lately is boosting immunity. The best dietary sources of zinc are seafood, meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Zinc has been shown to help maintain a normal sperm count. Zinc plays a part in testosterone physiology and because prostate has higher concentrations of the mineral than any other tissue, zinc supports a healthy prostate.

What makes this product unique?

The natural effects of aging on your body and mind can have serious consequences on your quality of life. A slowing metabolism and a decreased sexual appetite are just a couple of the realities that will affect you as you age. Our bodies constantly adjust to the environment by interpreting signals sent to the brain. The hypothalamus area of the brain functions as the command center and sends hormonal signals to the pituitary gland. In response to hypothalamic signals, the pituitary gland sends out hormones to numerous tissues throughout the body to stimulate and fine-tune their activity.

Given the combination of aging and stresses of modern life, men often experience a decrease in sexual desire, stamina and performance. Prime™ Time Performance Formula for Men is a potent herbal supplement for male libido. Prime Time Performance Formula for Men works via several mechanisms to support healthy male libido and support healthy sexual function. The ingredients have been shown to help the body maintain normal levels of testosterone (libido), epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine (energy), and nitric oxide (erectile quality). These ingredients help to promote healthy erectile quality and support overall sexual activity and performance.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Time – Performance Formula for Men
Single Bottle (30 Servings)

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Prime™ Balance – Bone Maintenance Formula_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Balance – Bone Maintenance Formula
Single Bottle (60 Servings)

Primary Benefits*:

Adequate calcium and Vitamin D as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life
Supports the maintenance of bones
Helps to maintain bone mass/structure by promoting healthy osteoclast activity
Promotes normal bone mineral density
Helps to increase the absorption and retention of both calcium and magnesium
Increased calcium intake promotes bone strength in the elderly
Women with low bone mass density have been found to be deficient in Vitamin B12
Promotes healthy growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon
Helps maintain proper levels of beneficial intestinal microflora
Helps maintains cardiovascular health (provides antioxidant protection of LDL particles)

What Makes This Product Unique?

As we age, our bone structure can weaken, and osteoporosis can occur. As cited by the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis is defined as a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to bone fragility and an increased susceptibility to fractures, especially of the hip, spine and wrist, although any bone can be affected. Osteoporosis is a major public health threat for an estimated 44 million Americans or 55 percent of the people 50 years of age and older. In the U.S., 10 million individuals are estimated to already have the disease and almost 34 million more are estimated to have low bone mass, placing them at increased risk for osteoporosis. Of the 10 million Americans estimated to have osteoporosis, eight million are women and two million are men.

Prime™ Balance contains Bonistein™, which is genistein, a pure (95%) product produced in Switzerland by a patented process. Genistein is an isoflavone that belongs to a group of flavonoids. This group of flavonoids is very similar in structure to the natural estrogens we produce in our body. The main source of genistein is soybeans and some legumes. But, what separates Bonistein™ from your typical soy isoflavone product is that it contains no soy allergens. Therefore, those with soy allergies may take this product and have no adverse effects.

Prime™ Balance is for postmenopausal women and older men. Balance is designed to help prevent osteoporosis, support calcium absorption and retention, maintain bone density and support normal mineralization and bone formation.*

Key Ingredients:

Calcium (calcium carbonate) 500 mg:

The bones and teeth contain greater than 99 percent of the calcium in the human body. It is incorporated into hard bone matrix contributing to bone strength and promoting the normal mineralization of bones. Low calcium intake, poor calcium absorption, and/or excessive calcium losses have been associated with osteoporosis. Calcium promotes normal nerve transmission, muscle contraction, vascular contraction, vasodilation, glandular secretion, cell membrane and capillary permeability, enzyme reactions, respiration, renal function and blood coagulation.

Inulin 6 g:

Inulin is an oligosaccharide, composed of chains of two to 60 glucose and fructose molecules. It works by promoting the normal absorption of both calcium and magnesium and supporting bone mineralization, therefore supporting stong bones and bone density. Inulin also serves as a bacterial food in the colon, helping to support healthy subpopulations of bacteria in the colon, as well as ionize calcium and magnesium for uptake. Additionally, because inulin is a soluble fiber, it may help to maintain regular colon health.

Bonistein™ 45 mg:

Bonistein™ is genistein, a pure (98%) product produced in Switzerland by a patented process. Genistein is a flavonoid and an isoflavone. It binds weakly to some chromosome-based estrogen receptors, thus supporting normal calcium and mineral retention. It also promotes bone formation, possibly supporting normal serum levels of osteocalcin in postmenopausal women. Genistein appears to directly inhibit osteoclast activity. High intake of soy supports normal parathyroid hormone levels, which may help support normal bone turnover. In vitro tests suggest that genistein may help maintain osteoblasts (the cells responsible for forming bone). Bonistein™ has also been shown to promote normal collagen formation.

Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 800 IU:

The main function of vitamin D is to help promote normal calcium absorption, which in turn promotes bone strength. Since the majority of the body’s nutrients are absorbed in the lower intestines, Vitamin D enhances the efficiency of the intestinal absorption of calcium by promting the normal production of calcium-binding proteins to support calcium absorption and retention. In addition to strengthening bone, Vitamin D may promote muscle strength around the bones.

Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate) 400 mg:

Magnesium is involved in the health of bones (64 percent of the body’s magnesium is concentrated in the bones). It supports normal bone structure and promotes more than 300 cellular reactions such as the maintenance of membrane integrity, muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and the regulation of vascular tone. Magnesium deficiency could result in bone loss and skeleton fragility. Post-menopausal women and older man afflicted with osteoporosis have been shown to have significantly lower bone magnesium than healthy women and older men.

Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 10 mcg:

Vitamin B12 promotes normal homocysteine concentration in blood and supports bone strength (men and women with low bone mass density have been found to be deficient in B12). Adequate vitamin B12 intake is important for maintaining bone mineral density and bone mineral content, especially in post-menopausal women and older men.

Folic Acid 200 mcg:

Folic acid supplementation may help to prevent osteoporosis by promoting normal homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a metabolite of the amino acid methionine. It has been implicated in osteoporosis. High homocysteine levels cause osteoporosis by the formation of defective bone. Low levels of folic acid, a homocysteine nutrient, have also been associated with impaired bone health.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime™ Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer
Prime A.M. Formula- Single Canister (25 Servings)

Primary Benefits*:

Functions as a secretagogue to naturally increase the production and secretion of HGH by the brain’s pituitary gland
Acts as a safe, natural and effective secretagogue “trigger” to wake up the pituitary gland
Increases the production and secretion of your body’s own natural HGH
Recreates a youthful, natural pattern of HGH production and release into the body
Raises the level of HGH secreted by the body
Serves to enhance the production of selected hormones that ordinarily diminish during the aging process
Acts to significantly reverse the effects associated with the body growing older
Helps maintain the health of the body’s vital organs
Functions as an anabolic [agent] to build muscle
Builds protein to create lean body mass
Reshapes your body by building lean body mass and facilitating the breakdown of fat
Helps increase strength
Helps increase energy
Maintains cardiovascular health
Helps increase endurance
Maintains immune health
Assists in improving sexual vitality
Increase the body’s metabolic rate to help break down fat and burn calories
Influences the growth of cells that comprise bones, muscles and other organs throughout the body
Maintains joint health

What Makes This Product Unique?

The natural effects of aging on the body and mind can have serious consequences on the quality of life. A slowing metabolism and decreased sexual appetite are just a couple of the realities that will affect you as you age. The body constantly adjusts to the environment by interpreting signals sent to the brain. The hypothalamus area of the brain functions as the command center, which sends hormonal signals to the pituitary gland. In response to hypothalamic signals, the pituitary gland sends out hormones to numerous tissues throughout the body to stimulate and fine-tune their activity.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a master hormone produced naturally by the brain’s pituitary gland that governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. Also known as somatotropin, HGH influences the growth of cells that comprise bones, muscles and other organs throughout the body. It is one of many endocrine hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone that decline in production as the body ages. During the aging process, the body’s level of HGH declines approximately 14 percent per decade after the age of 30. Approaching retirement at age 65, people produce on average 80 percent less HGH than in their teenage years. Increased stress, illness and environmental toxins further decrease the production of HGH, hastening the process of aging. The consequence of HGH decline leads to a decrease in vital organ function as apoptosis, or programmed cell death, throughout the body.

Market America’s Prime Secretagogue HGH Enhancer is a cutting-edge, proprietary formulation of selected amino acids in effective amounts, along with other naturally occurring substances that will naturally increase your supply of human growth hormone (or HGH). Prime is a natural secretagogue that works as a HGH releaser, raising HGH levels in an entirely physiological manner. Prime stimulates your endocrine system to naturally produce and release its own HGH. It works with your body and not against it.*

Key Ingredients:


L-arginine, though not an essential amino acid, is vital. In addition to participating in protein synthesis, it plays a number of other roles in the body. These include the detoxification of ammonia formed during the nitrogen catabolism of amino acids via the formation of urea. In addition, L-arginine is a precursor in the formation of nitric oxide, creatine, polyamines, L-glutamate, L-proline, agmatin (a possible neurotransmitter in the brain), and the arginine-containing tetrapeptide tuftsin, believed to be an immunomodulator. L-arginine is a glycogenic amino acid; it can be converted to D-glucose and glycogen if needed by the body or it can be catabolized to produce biological energy.


Glycine is not considered an essential amino acid, (in other words, the cells in the body can synthesize sufficient amounts of glycine to meet physiological requirements). However, glycine is of major importance in the synthesis of proteins, peptides, purines, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nucleic acids, porphyrins, hemoglobin, glutathione, creatine, bile salts, one-carbon fragments, glucose, glycogen, and L-serine and other amino acids. Glycine is also a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS. A glycine-gated chloride channel has been identified in neurophils. It promotes normal intracellular calcium ions and is a novel antioxidant.


L-ornithine is a nonprotein amino acid that is used in the body in the biosynthesis of L-arginine, L-proline and polyamines. It is a basic amino acid, positively charged at physiological pH, and is also known as alpha,delta-diaminovaleric acid and 2,5-diaminopentanoic acid. The amino acid is used as supplement mainly for its ability to support the metabolism, but it also promotes the immune system and supports normal healing. There are claims that the anabolic effects improve athletic performance. Ornithine is metabolized to arginine, which also demonstrates some of these effects.


L-glutamine is a protein amino acid found in proteins of all life forms. It is classified as a semi-essential or conditionally essential amino acid. This means that under normal circumstances the body can synthesize sufficient L-glutamine to meet physiological demands. However, there are conditions where the body cannot do so. Recently, L-glutamine has come to be regarded as one of the most important amino acids when the body is subjected to metabolic stress situations. Under such conditions, L-glutamine becomes an essential amino acid, and therefore it is very important to have adequate intakes of the amino acid in order to meet the increased physiological demands created by these situations.


L-lysine is an amino acid that is classified as an essential amino acid for humans, and therefore must be supplied in the diet. It is a basic, water-soluble, amino acid that carries a positive charge at physiological pH. Proteins, like those found in meat, poultry and milk are rich in L-lysine, but proteins found in grains, cereals, and their products, are normally low in L-lysine. Free L-lysine, in small amounts, are found in vegetables, vegetable juices, and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt.

Vitamin C

Around 90 percent of vitamin C in the average American diet derives from fruits and vegetables. Peppers (sweet, green, red, hot red and green chili peppers) are especially rich in vitamin C. Other good sources include citrus fruits and juices, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, guava, kiwi fruit, currants, and strawberries. Nuts and grains contain very little vitamin C and it is important to note that cooking destroys vitamin C activity.

Vitamin C supports a healthy immune system, and also acts as an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid may be the most important water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C may promote the normal detoxification of some heavy metals, such as lead and other toxic chemicals. It promotes the normal synthesis of collagen, supports the immune system, promotes normal healing and helps maintain normal cholesterol levels. The ascorbic acid form of vitamin C supports normal iron absorption, transport and storage. It promotes the intestinal absorption of iron and promotes iron storage in cells. It promotes the normal biosynthesis of corticosteroids, aldosterone, and the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids.

Vitamin B-6

B6 is a co-factor that promotes normal protein and amino acid metabolism. It helps maintain proper fluid balance. It also assists in the maintenance of healthy red and white blood cells. B6 promotes hemoglobin synthesis and the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain and peripheral nerve cells. It has been recommended as a nutrient to support mental function, specifically mood, and it supports nerve conduction. Some athletic supplements include vitamin B6 because it supports the normal conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy in muscle tissue. Vitamin B6 should be administered as a part of a complex of other B-vitamins for best results. Poultry, fish, whole grains and bananas are the main dietary sources of Vitamin B6.


A water-soluble B vitamin, Niacin is also known as vitamin B3. Niacin is a common name for two compounds, which are nicotinic acid and niacinamide. It plays many roles in energy metabolism and nervous system function, like all other B-vitamins. Niacin is most commonly supplemented to help maintain normal cholesterol. There are also claims that it can help maintain normal blood sugar levels and promote normal circulation. Dietary sources rich in niacin include many high-protein foods such as meat, chicken, tuna and other fatty fish, peanuts, pork and milk.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime Time – Female Libido Formula_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Time – Female Libido Formula
Single Bottle (30 Servings)

Primary Benefits*:

Supports healthy female libido (sexual interest and desire)
Promotes normal sexual arousal and intensity
Supports healthy physical response to sexual stimuli
Promotes/supports sexual pleasure and performance
Supports normal sexual climax
May help to manage the effects of stress that reduce sexual drive
May help to enhance and stabilize mood
Supports normal blood flow to genital organs and tissues
Promotes normal nitric oxide production
Helps to maintain vaginal health
May help promote normal vaginal secretions (promote normal wetness)
May help support energy and endurance during physical exertion

What Makes This Product Unique?

What is female libido? Today, women wear many different hats which can impact their libido. Exhaustion from work, taking care of children, stress (emotional or physical) and even medications can cause a low libido in women. Having too little sexual desire is the most common sexual issue among women, reported by 10 to 51 percent surveyed in various countries, and affecting an estimated 30 to 45 million women in the United States.

Female libido can be defined as the sexual instinct in women or psychic drive or energy. It’s a very complex and intricate ­­­process where a particular combination of hormones, social expectations, and physiological responses play certain roles in sexuality. The principal sex hormone in a woman’s body that is biologically active is testosterone. This is an androgen that is found in both males and females. All women are not the same and many have experienced low sexual desire at some part of their lives. Pre and post-menopausal women, for example, will experience a natural decrease in their libido because their bodies change since they are no longer in child bearing years. It can also occur for a woman around the time of her menses. A woman’s psychology also plays a very important role in a woman’s libido. Emotions can cause an increased or decreased libido.

Market America’s PRIME™ Time Female Libido Formula recognizes all aspects of a woman’s libido. It supports healthy female libido (sexual interest and desire), promotes normal sexual arousal and intensity, and supports healthy physical response to sexual stimuli. It may help to manage the effects of stress that reduce sexual drive and may help to enhance and stabilize mood. This multi approach product aids in the enhancement of the female libido.*

Key Ingredients:

Sensoril® Trim- (250 mg) Ashwagandha works as an adaptogen by helping to inhibit fatigue, boost energy, and counteracts the negative effects of stress. Though the exact mechanisms by which ashwagandha works are unknown, it is thought to function by way of anxiolytic GABA-mimetic activity which acts independently of GABA receptors. Independent of its adoptogen activities, ashwagandha has also been shown to promote normal nitric oxide synthase, which promotes the normal dilation of the blood vessels in the sensitive areas, helping to produce a normal orgasm.

When you are stressed, your adrenal glands produce a hormone in excess called cortisol. Cortisol is highly toxic and attacks muscle mass, your organs, and diminish your strength. Adaptogenic herbs, such as Ashwagandha, help your body to produce normal levels of cortisol.

Velvet Bean Extract – (250 mg) L-dopa, a constituent of velvet bean, is often given the credit for velvet bean’s sexual enhancing properties. Within the brain L-dopa is converted to dopamine, which acts as both a hormone and neurotransmitter that promotes the normal regulation of many functions within the brain. It is often associated with the ‘reward’ or ‘pleasure’ center of the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment. In regards to sex, dopamine release and neuron stimulation are believed to help promote normal sexual arousal and intensity.

Damiana- (200mg) Damiana has been hailed as an aphrodisiac and sexual stimulator since ancient times, particularly by the native peoples of Mexico. It has been shown to promote normal vasodilation. Though its exact mechanisms of action are unknown, damiana has been shown to bind to progesterone receptors, which may promote healthy estrogen levels in women. The result is the support of normal sexual drive and pleasure. Further, Damiana has demonstrated the ability to promote normal engorgement of sexual tissues to support sensitivity.

Pueraria mirifica extract- (50 mg) Pueraria mirifica contains several phytoestrogens such as miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, daidzein, genistein, puerarin, and mirificin. Miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, both of which have been shown to exert much stronger estrogenic activity than those phytoestrogens in soy, are believed to be responsible for most of Pueraria mirifica’s activities. Pueraria mirifica has been shown to promote normal estrogenicity on vaginal tissue and promote normal vaginal wetness, and vaginal comfort during sex. Pueraria mirifica extract may help promote normal vaginal secretions (promote normal wetness) and promote strength of the vaginal muscles to support a strong contraction.

L-Histidine- (500 mg) L-Histidine is converted to histamine within the body. Histamine, a neurotransmitter, promotes normal vasodilation and smooth muscle contraction in the body, especially the genitalia muscles. Its promotes normal nitric oxide synthesis which is important for normal blood flow to parts of the body and normal sex hormone activity. Sexual climax (orgasm) is triggered when histamine is released from mast cells in the genitals and can produce sensations of intense warmth throughout the body. Lack of or difficulty in achieving sexual climax can be a sign of histapenia (histamine deficiency).


If you are currently taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), Methyldopa, anti-platelet / anti-coagulant medications, or antipsychotic drugs, you should consult your physician before using this product. Women with a history of estrogen-sensitive cancers should not take this product. Take this supplement separately from prescription medications. If you are taking any other prescription drugs or have an ongoing medical condition, you should consult your physician before using this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this product.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime Dreamz_Market America:Prime Dreeamz contains all natural ingredients designed to hep people fall quickly into a deep sleep and awaken feeling refreshed, not groggy and tired.

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Dreamz™
Single Bottle (20 Servings)
When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day? Prime Dreeamz contains all natural ingredients designed to hep people fall quickly into a deep sleep and awaken feeling refreshed, not groggy and tired.

Primary Benefits*:

Helps give you the deep, restful third and fourth stages of sleep
Improves sleep quality
Has calming properties to help you relax
Helps you relax
Sleep deprivation can accelerate the aging process
Adequate and quality sleep can help to prolong the aging process
Helps to stabilize mood

What Makes This Product Unique?

When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day? Prime Dreamz™ allows a good night’s sleep to become a reality. Created with new technological breakthroughs in the anti-aging field, Prime Dreamz is a unique product designed for anyone who has trouble with restful sleep. Prime Dreamz contains all-natural ingredients designed to help people fall quickly into a deep sleep and awaken feeling refreshed — not groggy and tired. Prime Dreamz is formulated to help even light sleepers reach the last and most important stages of sleep.*

Key Ingredients:


Stress can deplete the body’s reserves of magnesium. Magnesium promotes a healthy nervous system and supports the body’s ability to relax muscles. Magnesium, a mineral, functions as a coenzyme promoting normal nerve and muscle function, regulation of body temperature, energy metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis, and the formation of bones. The majority of the body’s magnesium, about 60 percent, is found in the bones. Magnesium is involved in over 300 metabolic reactions and is necessary for every major biological process. It is an alkaline earth metal and exists under physiological conditions in its divalent state. Magnesium is intimately interlocked, biologically with calcium, and they cooperate in supporting the normal production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Nearly 75 percent of the American population fails to consume enough magnesium in their diets; therefore supplements may be warranted in some cases, particularly for those concerned with bone metabolism.

Passion flower

Passion flower has a long history of use for promoting relaxation. The dried aerial parts have historically been used as a mild sleep aid.


Chamomile has been used for centuries for its calming effects. Calming effects are attributed to the flavonoids, including apigenin, which acts as a lignad for the central benzodiazepine receptors. Apigenin competitively inhibits the binding of flunitrazepam.


Melatonin is a neurohormone produced in the brain by the pineal gland. The synthesis and release of melatonin are stimulated by darkness and suppressed by light, suggesting the involvement of melatonin in circadian rhythm and regulation of diverse body functions. Levels of melatonin in the blood are highest prior to bedtime. It is found in animals and in much lower concentrations in plants. Melatonin is synthesized endogenously by the pinealocytes of the pineal gland, and the essential amino acid L-tryptophan is a precursor in its synthesis. Supplementation of melatonin has become popular as a possible aid for sleep. Studies have shown some promising findings.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime™ Factor For Men – Human Growth Factor Formula_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Factor For Men – Human Growth Factor Formula
Prime Factor for Men packs a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, pro-hormones, and herbs that help promote a more youthful metabolic rate. This unique fromulation provides a potent set of human growth factors that help support healthy and vigorous aging.

Primary Benefits:

Helps regulate growth modulation and repair such that cells retain their youthful function and metabolism
Optimizes cellular repair and replacement mechanisms
Powerful amino acids in Prime and nutrients from Prime Factor combine to effectively raise HGH levels

What Makes This Product Unique?

In order to maintain a more youthful metabolic rate, Prime FactorTM packs a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, pro-hormones (chemical messengers that stimulate metabolic activity) and herbs that help stimulate the production of cytokines and create a balanced intracellular environment. Human growth factors play a critical role in delaying the aging process because of their modulating effect on metabolism. This unique formulation provides a potent set of Human Growth FactorsTM providing cytokinetic anti-aging properties with the objective of replacing what the aging process takes away.

The select vitamins, minerals and hormones in Prime Factor have been carefully blended for their beneficial qualities in addressing these key biological systems. In effect, the product serves to establish a sound nutritional foundation while providing signal and hormonal messengers that can prompt a more youthful metabolism. With a more rigorous metabolism, the body has a greater opportunity to build and replace cells. These Human Growth Factors target ten key biological systems (endocrine, immune, metabolic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive, nervous, brain function, musculature and sensory), which can be vulnerable to age-related changes.

By supplementing your body’s metabolism with Prime Factor, you can gently push your body to stimulate cell repair, growth and rejuvenation. It can be taken almost any time, but it’s preferable to do so before you eat (about an hour) for maximum absorption, and because the acid produced by digestion would break down the components quickly. Prime Factor’s sophisticated ingredients are provided to your system in a time-released manner utilizing advanced MatrxTM fiber packaging, which gradually distributes the ingredients to your system without stomach irritation.

Key Ingredients:

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is necessary for the formation of co-enzyme A and the acyl carrier protein, which play important roles in the release of energy from fats, protein and carbohydrates. It also helps to synthesize cholesterol, steroids and fatty acids, and is required for healthy growth and the production of antibodies to help fight infection.

It is an essential B-vitamin for growth, reproduction and normal physiological functions. It plays a key role in more than one hundred metabolic functions, which include energy metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.

Pantothenic acid is widely distributed in plant and animal food sources, where it occurs in both bound and free forms. Food sources of vitamin B5 include organ meats (liver, kidney), egg yolk, avocados, cashew nuts and peanuts, brown rice, soy, lentils, broccoli and milk, with the richest sources of the vitamin being the ovaries of cod and tuna. Two of the richest sources of pantothenic acid are royal jelly and brewer’s yeast, which are used as nutritional supplements.


Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxin and tri-iodothyronine, which regulate metabolic rate. The trace element is also present in more than a hundred enzyme systems such as energy production, nerve function and hair, and skin growth.


Chromium is a vital trace mineral that forms part of a compound in the body known as glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which is involved in regulating the actions of insulin in maintaining blood sugar levels and possibly in helping to control appetite. Chromium also aids in glucose metabolism, regulation of insulin levels, and maintenance of healthy blood levels of cholesterol and other lipids. There are also claims that it reduces body fat and increases muscle mass. More than 90 percent of American diets do not provide the recommended amount of chromium.

Chromium is found in small amounts in many foods, and is usually present in the trivalent state. Food sources of chromium include brewer’s yeast, whole grain cereals, broccoli, prunes, mushrooms, beer, spices, brown sugar, coffee, tea, beer, wine and meat products. Refined foods, fruits and vegetables are normally poor sources of chromium.


Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy immune system and is a vital ingredient in a number of enzymes essential to the immune response. Zinc has been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells and to boost the production of antibodies in response to infections.

Zinc, a trace mineral, functions as a part of about 300 different enzymes in the human body. These enzymes are involved in nucleic acid and protein metabolism, and the production of energy, as well as other things. It plays a role in virtually all biochemical pathways and physiological processes. Zinc plays a structural role in the formation of “zinc-finger,” which are exploited by transcription factors for interacting with DNA and regulating the activity of genes. The maintenance of the integrity of biological membranes resulting in their protection against oxidative injury is another structural role. Physiologically, zinc is essential for growth and development, reproduction and sexual maturation, olfactory and gustatory activity, dark vision adaptation, insulin storage and release, and for a variety of host immune defenses. Possibly its most popular claim is for its role in immunity, because zinc may interfere with the replication of the cold virus. Zinc can be found in foods such as seafood (especially oysters), meat, eggs and poultry.

Zinc is found in almost all body tissues, but about 60 percent of the body’s zinc is stored in the muscles and 30 percent in the bones. It may have immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities. The antioxidant activity of zinc helps to protect membranes against oxidative damage by occupying sites that may otherwise contain redox active metals such as iron.


Silymarin extract from milk thistle stabilizes liver cell membranes and acts as an antioxidant to protect liver cells from free radical damage. It also helps to regenerate liver cells and boosts the organ’s ability to filter toxins from the blood.


L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine is a substance derived from soy lecithin, and is commonly referred to as phospholipid, but is actually not. It is a putative cognition enhancer and growth hormone secretagogue. It is claimed that alpha-GPC is indicated for situations where increased human growth hormone secretion is desirable, because it encourages the body’s secretion of the hormone.

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime™ Factor For Women – Human Growth Factor Formula_Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Prime™ Factor For Women – Human Growth Factor Formula
Specifically formulated for women, Prime Factor packs a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, pro-hormones and herbs that help promote a more youthful metabolic rate and support key biological areas in women that are vulnerable to age-realated changes.

Primary Benefits:

Supports and increases metabolism with Human growth factors and nutritional foundation
Promotes a more youthful metabolic rate
Supports key biological areas in women that are vulnerable to age-related change

What Makes This Product Unique?

In order to maintain a more youthful metabolic rate, Prime FactorTM packs a powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, pro-hormones (chemical messengers that stimulate metabolic activity) and herbs that help stimulate the production of cytokines and create a balanced intracellular environment. Human growth factors play a critical role in delaying the aging process because of their modulating effect on metabolism. This unique formulation provides a potent set of Human Growth FactorsTM providing cytokinetic anti-aging properties with the objective of replacing what the aging process takes away.

Prime FactorTM for Women has been designed to foster the natural release of female-oriented hormones that decline during the aging process so that the body’s metabolism can be gently pushed toward a more youthful state. Ingredients such as tribulus terrestris and wild yam extract, which have long been used in China and Europe to help support, balance and optimize female hormonal function, specifically target several key biological areas in women that are vulnerable to age-related changes.

The select vitamins, minerals and hormones in Prime Factor have been carefully blended for their beneficial qualities in addressing these key biological systems. In effect, the product serves to establish a sound nutritional foundation while providing signal and hormonal messengers that can prompt a more youthful metabolism. With a more rigorous metabolism, the body has a greater opportunity to build and replace cells. These Human Growth Factors target ten key biological systems (endocrine, immune, metabolic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive, nervous, brain function, musculature and sensory), which can be vulnerable to age-related changes.

By supplementing your body’s metabolism with Prime Factor, you can gently push your body to stimulate cell repair, growth and rejuvenation. It can be taken almost any time, but it’s preferable to do so (about an hour) before you eat for maximum absorption and because the acid produced by digestion would break down the components quickly. Prime Factor’s sophisticated ingredients are provided to your system in a time-released manner utilizing advanced MatrxTM fiber packaging, which gradually distributes the ingredients to your system without stomach irritation

Key Ingredients:

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is necessary for the formation of co-enzyme A and the acyl carrier protein, which play important roles in the release of energy from fats, protein and carbohydrates. It also helps to synthesize cholesterol, steroids and fatty acids, and is required for healthy growth and the production of antibodies to help fight infection.

It is an essential B-vitamin for growth, reproduction and normal physiological functions. It plays a key role in more than 100 metabolic functions, which include energy metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Vitamin B5 has antioxidant, radioprotective, anti-inflammatory and wound healing.

Pantothenic acid is widely distributed in plant and animal food sources, where it occurs in both bound and free forms. Food sources of vitamin B5 include organ meats (liver, kidney), egg yolk, avocados, cashew nuts and peanuts, brown rice, soya, lentils, broccoli and milk, with the richest sources of the vitamin being the ovaries of cod and tuna. Two of the richest sources of pantothenic acid are royal jelly and brewer’s yeast, which are used as nutritional supplements.


Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxin and tri-iodothyronine, which regulate metabolic rate. The trace element is also present in more than a hundred enzyme systems such as energy production, nerve function and hair and skin growth.


Chromium is a vital trace mineral that forms part of a compound in the body known as glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which is involved in regulating the actions of insulin in maintaining blood sugar levels and possibly, in helping to control appetite. Chromium also aids in glucose metabolism, maintaining insulin levels and maintenance of healthy blood levels of cholesterol and other lipids. There are claims that it helps reduce body fat and increase muscle mass. More than 90 percent of American diets do not provide the recommended amount of chromium.

It exists in several valence states, with the trivalent and hexavalent states being the most common. Chromium is found in small amounts in many foods, and is usually present in the trivalent state. Food sources of chromium include brewer’s yeast, whole grain cereals, broccoli, prunes, mushrooms, beer, spices, brown sugar, coffee, tea, beer, wine and meat products. Refined foods, fruits and vegetables contain smaller amounts of chromium.


Zinc is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy immune system and is a vital ingredient in a number of enzymes essential to the immune response. Zinc has been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells and to boost the production of antibodies in response to infections.

Zinc, a trace mineral, functions as a part of about 300 different enzymes in the human body. These enzymes are involved in nucleic acid and protein metabolism, and the production of energy, as well as other things. It plays a role in virtually all biochemical pathways and physiological processes. Zinc plays a structural role in the formation of zinc-finger, which are exploited by transcription factors for interacting with DNA and regulating the activity of genes. The maintenance of the integrity of biological membranes resulting in their protection against oxidative injury is another structural role. Physiologically, zinc is essential for growth and development, reproduction and sexual maturation, olfactory and gustatory activity, dark vision adaptation, insulin storage and release, and for a variety of host immune defenses. Possibly its most popular claim is for its role in immunity, because zinc may interfere with the replication of the cold virus.

Zinc is found in almost all body tissues, but about 60 percent of the body’s zinc is stored in the muscles and 30 percent in the bones. It may have immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities.


Silymarin extract from milk thistle stabilizes liver cell membranes and acts as an antioxidant to protect liver cells from free radical damage. It also helps to regenerate liver cells and boosts the organ’s ability to filter toxins from the blood.


L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine is a substance derived from soy lecithin. It is a putative cognition enhancer and growth hormone secretagogue. It is claimed that alpha-GPC is indicated for situations where increased human growth hormone secretion is desirable, because it encourages the body’s secretion of the hormone

Many American people suffering allergic symptoms in the United states, such as dust mite, pollen, chemical
spray, carpet, household spray items, animal hair or so….Especially in spring season. It doesn’t matter what
medicine you take. It still won’t help. It only cause side effect ion, but you still have to take it. Some
people’s allergy reaction is too strong, it may also cause asthma….Don’t be hesitated, I used to be one of
the person has all the bad reaction that I had mention above. I took opc3 from Market America and joined to be
a member. Every month I spend around $120 for my all health problem. It cut my other spending to exchange for
my health back. It works. No side effect ion and now I look even more pretty and health. I don’t even need use

make up to cover my sick face. My face is glowing as the way a healthy person look like. I love it. This
message is for your health purpose. I event to think you want to make money out of it. I bet if you think as I

think. You will be like me. 春天到了, 很多人飽受過敏鼻炎的痛苦, 知道美安的 opc3 有相當的功效,但又不想加入會員, 參加美安的永久優惠顧客計

畫無須會員費, 申請之後您可以像會員一樣到網上訂購您要的任何美安產品, 不需透過經銷商或拜託朋友買, 產品會寄到您府上……任何問題可以email 我 小白留

產品不需加入會員可以直接到美安網站購買,你只要上網申請優惠顧客MA Reward Program, 就可直接透過此網站購買,點擊進入

Market America OPC3
Market America

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

Leave a Comment

Prime™ Ultra Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer An advanced amino-acid supplement, Ultra Prime helps build muscle and incrase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH)

Market America Motives
Market America Motives Cosmetics
Market America fish oil
Market America opportunity
Market America MLM
Market America OPC3
Market America distributor
Market America leadership
Isotonix opc3
isotonix orac
Isotonix ORAC
Isotonix Anitioxidant
Isotonix Oxygen Extreme
Isotonix B-12
Isotonix MultiTech
Isotonix Mineral Blast
Isotonix Vitamins C
Isotonix Might-A-Mins
Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula
Isotonix Coenzyme Q10
Isotonix Calcium Plus
Isotonix Vision Formula
Isotonix custom Formula
Isotonix Isochrome
Heart Health Essential Omega III
Heart Health LiiTrim Ultra
Heart Health TriActive
Nutri Clean 7 Day Cleaning System
Nutri Clean Hepato Cleanse
Nutri Clean Fiber Powder
Nutri Clean Aloe
Advanced Level 90
Transitions Fat Conversion Inhibitor
Transitions Carbohydrate Absorption Inhibitor
Transitions CLA
Transitions TC AMP
Transtion Bars
Transitions Shakes
Transitions Entrees
THermochrome Ephedra Free
Complete Greens
Ultimate Aloe
Gene SNP
Ultra Prime
Prime Factor (HGF)
Prime Dreamz
opc3 market America
Kazn 1300
kazn Chinese radio
kazn 1300 中文廣播電台
kazn 1300 Mandarin radio station
Am1430 粵語廣播電台
AM1430 Chinese Cantonese Radio station
99 ranch market
Ranch 99 Market
99 ranch market locations
99 ranch store
99 ranch market

An advanced amino-acid supplement, Ultra Prime helps build muscle and incrase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH)which governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. HGH helps influence the growth of cells that naturally decline as you age.

Key Ingredients:

L-Arginine Aspartate 2.5 g, L-Arginine 3 g

L-arginine is an amino acid found in many foods such as dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, nuts and chocolate. It plays an integral part in several processes in the body, including cell division, wound healing, immunity to illness and the secretion of important hormones in the body. L-arginine ultimately contributes to the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) and prolactin via stimulating the pituitary gland and pancreatic release of glucagon and insulin all of which have an effect on several body mechanisms. The body also uses L-arginine to make nitric oxide (NO), a substance that helps to relax blood vessels (termed vasodilation) and also exerts several other effects in the body. L-arginine supplements may prove to be a good way for improving circulation to the heart and other affected areas such as blood vessels in the calves. These effects have been exhibited in various double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Glycine 4 g

Glycine is the simplest amino acid, used to make proteins. It works hand in hand with L-glutamine, another amino acid playing a part in brain function. Glycine has shown some positive implications in regard to enhancing mental function. A small double-blind study found evidence that glycine may help improve long-term blood sugar control.Another study hypothesizes that glycine may enhance memory and mental function. Glycine alone and in combination with other amino acids has shown to aid in wound healing.

Proprietary Blend: L-Glutamine, Colostrum, L-Lysine (as L-Lysine HCL), Taurine, DNA/RNA (from brewer’s yeast)

L-Glutamine is an amino acid derived from another amino acid, glutamic acid. L-glutamine is important when it comes to the health of the immune system, digestive tract and muscle cells. It acts as fuel for the cells that line the intestines. Heavy exercise, infection, surgery and trauma can decrease the body’s glutamine reserves, especially in muscle cells.

The fact that L-glutamine does several beneficial things in the body has caused some people to try glutamine supplements for various conditions that include fighting infections that often follow endurance exercise, reducing symptoms of overtraining, improving nutrition in critical illness, alleviating allergies and promoting digestive health.

Colostrum is the clear/cloudy pre-milk that female mammals secrete prior to producing milk. Colostrum for dietary supplements is usually derived from cows and contains various immunoglobulins also known as antibodies, as well as additional antimicrobial factors including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactalbumin, glycoproteins, cytokines, polypeptides, growth factors, and vitamins and minerals. Colostrum is claimed to help support the immune system, healthy bowel movements, support the gastrointestinal tract, and improve exercise performance and recovery. Cow colostrum contains the same disease resistance factors (immunoglobulins) which are a component of human breast milk and unpasteurized cow’s milk. There are several immune factors, which may be effective against different viruses, bacteria, yeast and other invaders.

L-Lysine is a protein amino acid, classified as an essential amino acid, which means that it must be obtained through the diet. Some proteins, such as those found in meat, poultry and milk are rich in L-lysine. Wheat germ is rich in L-lysine. Small amounts of free L-lysine are found in vegetables, vegetable juices, and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt. L-lysine may also have some value as an anti-osteoporotic. In the liver, L-lysine, and other amino acids, participate in protein production. It may be involved in the formation of D-glucose and glycogen, as well as lipids. It may also help to produce energy.

Taurine is is a nonprotein amino acid and is found in high amounts in the brain, retina, myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and neutrophils. It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources. Taurine is also present in plant food sources as well as seaweeds, in smaller amounts. It is classified as an essential amino acid, necessary for micelle formation and fat absorption. It’s important in the hydration of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells’ nutrient uptake, as well as improves physical reaction time. Further, it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to concentrate. Taurine also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities. It supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while delivering detoxifying activities

DNA/RNA is the genetic material that we all have stored in our bodies at the most cellular levels, governing a variety of body processes. DNA, which makes up the genetic material, is made up of units called nucleotides. Some recent research shows that the body may not always produce adequate amounts of its own DNA and RNA. There are certain conditions in which the body requires dietary nucleic acids and or nucleotides to meet its physiological needs. These conditions include rapid growth, limited food supply and metabolic stress. Under these conditions, metabolic demand exceeds the capacity of de novo synthesis. Under these conditions, dietary nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids become essential nutrients. Dietary nucleotides may spare the energetic cost of de novo synthesis of nucleotides. Dietary nucleic acids are found in plant and animal foods. Potential benefits of DNA/RNA supplementation include immune-enhancing and tissue-regenerating activities.

Folate (as Folic Acid) 150 mcg

Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark leafy greens, oranges and orange juice, beans and peas are the best sources as well as Brewer’s yeast, which supplies additional B-vitamins.

Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B-vitamins work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis. Scientific studies have found that when working in tandem with folic acid, B12 is capable of promoting normal homocysteine levels. This works toward supporting a healthy nervous system.*

Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 150 mg

Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent sources of magnesium because of The average daily magnesium intake in the U.S. for males nine years and older is estimated to be about 323 milligrams; for females nine years and older, it is estimated to be around 228 milligrams.

Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bone and is necessary for the metabolism of potassium and calcium in adults. It helps maintain normal levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, adrenaline and insulin. It’s also important for the mobilization of calcium, transporting it inside the cell for further utilization thus making it helpful in preventing osteoporosis. It plays a key role in the functioning of muscle and nervous tissue. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of all proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, lipids and carbohydrates. This mineral also inhibits the formation and growth of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney and bladder. Further, magnesium indirectly helps in reversing the effects of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation as involved with the aging process.

Magnesium is required for energy release, regulation of the body temperature, proper nerve function, helping the body handle stress and regulating metabolism. Magnesium works with calcium to regulate the heart and blood pressure. Importantly, Magnesium is required by the body to build healthy bones and teeth, and is required for proper muscle development. If taken in relatively high amounts, it works with calcium and vitamin D to help keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

print this page e-mail this page to a friend In the News:

Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?

Mary Lee Vance, M.D. Source: The New England Journal of Medecine

Market America is committed to providing its Independent Distributors and their customers with information they can use to maintain good health. Occasionally, the ingredients in our products are featured in third party literature, such as news or magazine articles. The above-links will take you to web pages that contain such articles, which were written and published by third parties, completely independent of Market America. Market America does not claim to support or agree with the content of these articles, nor does Market America represent its belief in claims made by the third party publishers. These articles are cited simply to provide independent, published information about some of the ingredients contained in our products. Further, the statements contained in the above-referenced articles have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Market America’s products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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print this page e-mail this page to a friend What Makes This Product Unique?

UltraPrimeTM represents the next generation of HGH-producing products that is far more advanced, concentrated and cost-effective than previous formulations. It uses a special blend of nutritional ingredients that will naturally increase the production and release of HGH by the pituitary gland. The very latest anti-aging neuroendocrine research reveals that hormone production is integral in the prevention of many age related health issues. Market America is leading the anti-aging fight by developing a system of advanced nutraceuticals with scientifically based formulations.

HGH, or human growth hormone, is the master hormone that drives the growth and development of the body. It causes the liver to produce powerful insulin-like growth factors (IGF), which contribute to the maintenance of lean body mass and the health of the body’s vital organs.

Research has proven that HGH-secreting cells of the pituitary gland do not die. They maintain their ability to make significant amounts of natural growth hormone. As part of the aging process, less HGH circulates through the body, because the pituitary gland is not stimulating its production. A secretagogue enhancer stimulates the pituitary to naturally produce and secrete HGH,raising the level of this valuable hormone within the body. UltraPrime serves as a trigger to safely and naturally stimulate the pituitary gland.

The scientifically based formulation in UltraPrimeTM features potent amino acids and nutrients that are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active nutrients. When it is taken as directed, these ingredients will work synergistically as a powerful secretagogue to effectively raise HGH levels. Powerful amino acids such as L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, Glycine and Colosotrum, which have been shown to increase HGH levels, and nutrients from Prime Factor, are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active proteins to effectively raise HGH levels.

Ultra Prime is a natural secretagogue that works as an HGH releaser, raising HGH levels in an entirely physiological manner. It gently stimulates, the endocrine system to produce and release its own HGH naturally. It works with the body, and not against it. The ingredients produce a synergistically to maximize the effectiveness of the potent amino acids and active nutrients. UltraPrime will work to maintain the body’s equilibrium. You can now give your body a firm metabolic push in the right direction so it can help itself.

UltraPrime is not only superior to similar products in the marketplace; it is in a class by itself. The specific amino acids and other natural ingredients are the result of years of study and research. All of the indicated ingredients in UltraPrime have been scientifically proven to raise HGH levels in the body. The amounts of these ingredients have been carefully selected to provide you with the most powerful and natural HGH Secretagogue formulation on the market today.

print this page e-mail this page to a friend Frequently Asked Questions:

What will UltraPrimeTM Secretagogue HGH Enhancer do for me?

UltraPrime helps build muscle and increase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), which governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. HGH helps influence the growth of cells that naturally decline as you age.

Are there any conditions where I cannot take PRIME products?

As noted on the product warning, if you currently have any cancerous condition, had a reoccurrence of a malignancy or have any benign tumors, we are recommending that you do not take PRIME.

If you have a history of any cancer or tumorous growths and you are more than five years in complete remission, we are suggesting that you check with your personal physician before taking this product and monitor the condition closely for any recurrence.

People with severe liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or those who are pregnant, should not take this product.

If you are suffering from any other complex medical condition or endocrinological disorder, you should discuss taking PRIME with your physician first.

If your liver function tests are above the normal limits, you should consult with your private physician before taking this product.

PRIME products are natural. We are not providing specific medical advice for any condition. If you have specific questions regarding a particular medical condition you may have and the use of this product, please take the PRIME educational literature to your private physician and discuss those issues in detail.

Can I take PRIME if I have diseases of the thyroid?

Some patients are hyperthyroid. This means their thyroid is overactive. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, you must be under the care of an endocrinologist. We are recommending if you have active hyperthyroidism that has not been treated, you should not take this product without getting the approval of your personal physician.

If you are taking thyroid replacement therapy for hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid you may take PRIME even if you are on thyroid replacement therapy with the approval of your doctor. PRIME stimulates all endocrine organs to produce more hormones, thus we are suggesting that you get your thyroid functions checked more frequently by your private medical doctor while you are taking this product.

For those patients who are lacking a thyroid gland due to thyroid surgery or total thyroid ablation therapy, there is no problem in taking PRIME. If you do not have a thyroid gland to begin with, PRIME cannot stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone.

Can I take PRIME if I am on hormonal replacement therapy?

Many postmenopausal women are on estrogen replacement therapy or estrogen/progesterone combinations. PRIME works well with hormonal replacement therapy. Men who are on testosterone replacement therapy may also take PRIME. Certainly any man or woman who suffers from any benign or malignant condition of the male or female reproductive system should consult with their personal physician before taking PRIME.

Can I have my serum Growth Hormone levels done at my doctors, to see if PRIME is working?

The best way to see if PRIME is working for you is to give the product a three-month test trial and see how you feel. If you are seeing positive changes in the way you feel, continue taking the product.

Several PRIME users have had their Human growth hormone levels measured incorrectly.

The measuring of growth hormone is very complex. Many labs use different techniques to measure HGH and due to lack of standardization some of them may not be valid. Serum HGH must be measured while fasting in the early morning without any carbohydrates taken within three hours of the blood being drawn. It must be handled and processed correctly and is a very costly test. HGH surges in the blood stream throughout the day. It enters and leaves the blood stream quickly. Blood tests may miss that surge and show a low level.

If you decide to get your blood tested, it is important to measure Insulin-like Growth Factor -type I levels to see if they are being increased. Remember that Human Growth Hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of Insulin-like Growth Factors of which IGF-I is the most abundant.

Most importantly, if you wish to have your blood tests done, you must first get baseline blood levels of HGH and IGF-I while off of PRIME. You should stop the product for at least two weeks and then start PRIME after your baseline blood tests have been done. After staying on PRIME consistently for one to three months, you should take your AM PRIME as directed and get your blood test done in one to two hours after PRIME ingestion.

Measuring HGH and IGF-I levels at different intervals while on PRIME will serve no purpose. What you want to see is an increase in HGH and IGF-I levels in your blood while on PRIME compared to while off PRIME.

How is Human Growth Factors different from HGH secretagogues?

HGH secretagogues function as combination HGH stimulant and releasing compounds. These generally contain a combination of amino acids and peptides designed to enhance the pituitary gland’s ability to release HGH. Human Growth Factors are soluble proteins, vitamins and botanicals that act as humoral regulators, which modulate the functional activities of individual cells and tissues throughout the body.

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print this page e-mail this page to a friend Primary Benefits:

Functions as a secretagogue to naturally increase the production and secretion of HGH by the brain’s pituitary gland
Acts as a safe, natural and effective secretagogue “trigger” to wake up the pituitary gland
Increases the production and secretion of your body’s own natural HGH
Recreates a youthful, natural pattern of HGH production and release into the body
Raises the level of HGH secreted by the body
Serves to enhance the production of selected hormones that ordinarily diminish during the aging process
Acts to significantly reverse the effects associated with the body growing older
Helps maintain the health of the body’s vital organs
Functions as an anabolic [agent] to build muscle
Builds protein to create lean body mass
Reshapes your body by building lean body mass and facilitating the breakdown of fat
Helps increase strength
Helps increase energy.
Maintains cardiovascular health
Helps increase endurance
Maintains immune health
Assists in improving sexual vitality
Increase the body’s metabolic rate to help break down fat and burn calories
Influences the growth of cells that comprise bones, muscles and other organs throughout the body
Maintains joint health

Key Ingredients:

L-Arginine Aspartate 2.5 g, L-Arginine 3 g

L-arginine is an amino acid found in many foods such as dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, nuts and chocolate. It plays an integral part in several processes in the body, including cell division, wound healing, immunity to illness and the secretion of important hormones in the body. L-arginine ultimately contributes to the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) and prolactin via stimulating the pituitary gland and pancreatic release of glucagon and insulin all of which have an effect on several body mechanisms. The body also uses L-arginine to make nitric oxide (NO), a substance that helps to relax blood vessels (termed vasodilation) and also exerts several other effects in the body. L-arginine supplements may prove to be a good way for improving circulation to the heart and other affected areas such as blood vessels in the calves. These effects have been exhibited in various double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Glycine 4 g

Glycine is the simplest amino acid, used to make proteins. It works hand in hand with L-glutamine, another amino acid playing a part in brain function. Glycine has shown some positive implications in regard to enhancing mental function. A small double-blind study found evidence that glycine may help improve long-term blood sugar control.Another study hypothesizes that glycine may enhance memory and mental function. Glycine alone and in combination with other amino acids has shown to aid in wound healing.

Proprietary Blend: L-Glutamine, Colostrum, L-Lysine (as L-Lysine HCL), Taurine, DNA/RNA (from brewer’s yeast)

L-Glutamine is an amino acid derived from another amino acid, glutamic acid. L-glutamine is important when it comes to the health of the immune system, digestive tract and muscle cells. It acts as fuel for the cells that line the intestines. Heavy exercise, infection, surgery and trauma can decrease the body’s glutamine reserves, especially in muscle cells.

The fact that L-glutamine does several beneficial things in the body has caused some people to try glutamine supplements for various conditions that include fighting infections that often follow endurance exercise, reducing symptoms of overtraining, improving nutrition in critical illness, alleviating allergies and promoting digestive health.

Colostrum is the clear/cloudy pre-milk that female mammals secrete prior to producing milk. Colostrum for dietary supplements is usually derived from cows and contains various immunoglobulins also known as antibodies, as well as additional antimicrobial factors including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactalbumin, glycoproteins, cytokines, polypeptides, growth factors, and vitamins and minerals. Colostrum is claimed to help support the immune system, healthy bowel movements, support the gastrointestinal tract, and improve exercise performance and recovery. Cow colostrum contains the same disease resistance factors (immunoglobulins) which are a component of human breast milk and unpasteurized cow’s milk. There are several immune factors, which may be effective against different viruses, bacteria, yeast and other invaders.

L-Lysine is a protein amino acid, classified as an essential amino acid, which means that it must be obtained through the diet. Some proteins, such as those found in meat, poultry and milk are rich in L-lysine. Wheat germ is rich in L-lysine. Small amounts of free L-lysine are found in vegetables, vegetable juices, and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt. L-lysine may also have some value as an anti-osteoporotic. In the liver, L-lysine, and other amino acids, participate in protein production. It may be involved in the formation of D-glucose and glycogen, as well as lipids. It may also help to produce energy.

Taurine is is a nonprotein amino acid and is found in high amounts in the brain, retina, myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and neutrophils. It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources. Taurine is also present in plant food sources as well as seaweeds, in smaller amounts. It is classified as an essential amino acid, necessary for micelle formation and fat absorption. It’s important in the hydration of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells’ nutrient uptake, as well as improves physical reaction time. Further, it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to concentrate. Taurine also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities. It supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while delivering detoxifying activities

DNA/RNA is the genetic material that we all have stored in our bodies at the most cellular levels, governing a variety of body processes. DNA, which makes up the genetic material, is made up of units called nucleotides. Some recent research shows that the body may not always produce adequate amounts of its own DNA and RNA. There are certain conditions in which the body requires dietary nucleic acids and or nucleotides to meet its physiological needs. These conditions include rapid growth, limited food supply and metabolic stress. Under these conditions, metabolic demand exceeds the capacity of de novo synthesis. Under these conditions, dietary nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids become essential nutrients. Dietary nucleotides may spare the energetic cost of de novo synthesis of nucleotides. Dietary nucleic acids are found in plant and animal foods. Potential benefits of DNA/RNA supplementation include immune-enhancing and tissue-regenerating activities.

Folate (as Folic Acid) 150 mcg

Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark leafy greens, oranges and orange juice, beans and peas are the best sources as well as Brewer’s yeast, which supplies additional B-vitamins.

Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B-vitamins work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis. Scientific studies have found that when working in tandem with folic acid, B12 is capable of promoting normal homocysteine levels. This works toward supporting a healthy nervous system.*

Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 150 mg

Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent sources of magnesium because of The average daily magnesium intake in the U.S. for males nine years and older is estimated to be about 323 milligrams; for females nine years and older, it is estimated to be around 228 milligrams.

Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bone and is necessary for the metabolism of potassium and calcium in adults. It helps maintain normal levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, adrenaline and insulin. It’s also important for the mobilization of calcium, transporting it inside the cell for further utilization thus making it helpful in preventing osteoporosis. It plays a key role in the functioning of muscle and nervous tissue. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of all proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, lipids and carbohydrates. This mineral also inhibits the formation and growth of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney and bladder. Further, magnesium indirectly helps in reversing the effects of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation as involved with the aging process.

Magnesium is required for energy release, regulation of the body temperature, proper nerve function, helping the body handle stress and regulating metabolism. Magnesium works with calcium to regulate the heart and blood pressure. Importantly, Magnesium is required by the body to build healthy bones and teeth, and is required for proper muscle development. If taken in relatively high amounts, it works with calcium and vitamin D to help keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

In the News:

Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?

Mary Lee Vance, M.D. Source: The New England Journal of Medecine

Market America is committed to providing its Independent Distributors and their customers with information they can use to maintain good health. Occasionally, the ingredients in our products are featured in third party literature, such as news or magazine articles. The above-links will take you to web pages that contain such articles, which were written and published by third parties, completely independent of Market America. Market America does not claim to support or agree with the content of these articles, nor does Market America represent its belief in claims made by the third party publishers. These articles are cited simply to provide independent, published information about some of the ingredients contained in our products. Further, the statements contained in the above-referenced articles have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Market America’s products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What Makes This Product Unique?

UltraPrimeTM represents the next generation of HGH-producing products that is far more advanced, concentrated and cost-effective than previous formulations. It uses a special blend of nutritional ingredients that will naturally increase the production and release of HGH by the pituitary gland. The very latest anti-aging neuroendocrine research reveals that hormone production is integral in the prevention of many age related health issues. Market America is leading the anti-aging fight by developing a system of advanced nutraceuticals with scientifically based formulations.

HGH, or human growth hormone, is the master hormone that drives the growth and development of the body. It causes the liver to produce powerful insulin-like growth factors (IGF), which contribute to the maintenance of lean body mass and the health of the body’s vital organs.

Research has proven that HGH-secreting cells of the pituitary gland do not die. They maintain their ability to make significant amounts of natural growth hormone. As part of the aging process, less HGH circulates through the body, because the pituitary gland is not stimulating its production. A secretagogue enhancer stimulates the pituitary to naturally produce and secrete HGH,raising the level of this valuable hormone within the body. UltraPrime serves as a trigger to safely and naturally stimulate the pituitary gland.

The scientifically based formulation in UltraPrimeTM features potent amino acids and nutrients that are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active nutrients. When it is taken as directed, these ingredients will work synergistically as a powerful secretagogue to effectively raise HGH levels. Powerful amino acids such as L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, Glycine and Colosotrum, which have been shown to increase HGH levels, and nutrients from Prime Factor, are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active proteins to effectively raise HGH levels.

Ultra Prime is a natural secretagogue that works as an HGH releaser, raising HGH levels in an entirely physiological manner. It gently stimulates, the endocrine system to produce and release its own HGH naturally. It works with the body, and not against it. The ingredients produce a synergistically to maximize the effectiveness of the potent amino acids and active nutrients. UltraPrime will work to maintain the body’s equilibrium. You can now give your body a firm metabolic push in the right direction so it can help itself.

UltraPrime is not only superior to similar products in the marketplace; it is in a class by itself. The specific amino acids and other natural ingredients are the result of years of study and research. All of the indicated ingredients in UltraPrime have been scientifically proven to raise HGH levels in the body. The amounts of these ingredients have been carefully selected to provide you with the most powerful and natural HGH Secretagogue formulation on the market today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will UltraPrimeTM Secretagogue HGH Enhancer do for me?

UltraPrime helps build muscle and increase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), which governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. HGH helps influence the growth of cells that naturally decline as you age.

Are there any conditions where I cannot take PRIME products?

As noted on the product warning, if you currently have any cancerous condition, had a reoccurrence of a malignancy or have any benign tumors, we are recommending that you do not take PRIME.

If you have a history of any cancer or tumorous growths and you are more than five years in complete remission, we are suggesting that you check with your personal physician before taking this product and monitor the condition closely for any recurrence.

People with severe liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or those who are pregnant, should not take this product.

If you are suffering from any other complex medical condition or endocrinological disorder, you should discuss taking PRIME with your physician first.

If your liver function tests are above the normal limits, you should consult with your private physician before taking this product.

PRIME products are natural. We are not providing specific medical advice for any condition. If you have specific questions regarding a particular medical condition you may have and the use of this product, please take the PRIME educational literature to your private physician and discuss those issues in detail.

Can I take PRIME if I have diseases of the thyroid?

Some patients are hyperthyroid. This means their thyroid is overactive. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, you must be under the care of an endocrinologist. We are recommending if you have active hyperthyroidism that has not been treated, you should not take this product without getting the approval of your personal physician.

If you are taking thyroid replacement therapy for hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid you may take PRIME even if you are on thyroid replacement therapy with the approval of your doctor. PRIME stimulates all endocrine organs to produce more hormones, thus we are suggesting that you get your thyroid functions checked more frequently by your private medical doctor while you are taking this product.

For those patients who are lacking a thyroid gland due to thyroid surgery or total thyroid ablation therapy, there is no problem in taking PRIME. If you do not have a thyroid gland to begin with, PRIME cannot stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone.

Can I take PRIME if I am on hormonal replacement therapy?

Many postmenopausal women are on estrogen replacement therapy or estrogen/progesterone combinations. PRIME works well with hormonal replacement therapy. Men who are on testosterone replacement therapy may also take PRIME. Certainly any man or woman who suffers from any benign or malignant condition of the male or female reproductive system should consult with their personal physician before taking PRIME.

Can I have my serum Growth Hormone levels done at my doctors, to see if PRIME is working?

The best way to see if PRIME is working for you is to give the product a three-month test trial and see how you feel. If you are seeing positive changes in the way you feel, continue taking the product.

Several PRIME users have had their Human growth hormone levels measured incorrectly.

The measuring of growth hormone is very complex. Many labs use different techniques to measure HGH and due to lack of standardization some of them may not be valid. Serum HGH must be measured while fasting in the early morning without any carbohydrates taken within three hours of the blood being drawn. It must be handled and processed correctly and is a very costly test. HGH surges in the blood stream throughout the day. It enters and leaves the blood stream quickly. Blood tests may miss that surge and show a low level.

If you decide to get your blood tested, it is important to measure Insulin-like Growth Factor -type I levels to see if they are being increased. Remember that Human Growth Hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of Insulin-like Growth Factors of which IGF-I is the most abundant.

Most importantly, if you wish to have your blood tests done, you must first get baseline blood levels of HGH and IGF-I while off of PRIME. You should stop the product for at least two weeks and then start PRIME after your baseline blood tests have been done. After staying on PRIME consistently for one to three months, you should take your AM PRIME as directed and get your blood test done in one to two hours after PRIME ingestion.

Measuring HGH and IGF-I levels at different intervals while on PRIME will serve no purpose. What you want to see is an increase in HGH and IGF-I levels in your blood while on PRIME compared to while off PRIME.

How is Human Growth Factors different from HGH secretagogues?

HGH secretagogues function as combination HGH stimulant and releasing compounds. These generally contain a combination of amino acids and peptides designed to enhance the pituitary gland’s ability to release HGH. Human Growth Factors are soluble proteins, vitamins and botanicals that act as humoral regulators, which modulate the functional activities of individual cells and tissues throughout the body.

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[1 of 1 customers found this review helpful]

My favorite Workout Enhancer Ever!
By Deep Massage NYC from New York, NY on 10/29/2008
Pros:Simple To Take, Good Taste
Best Uses:Women, Daily Use, Older People, Men
Describe Yourself:Medical Professional, Health Conscious, Regular User
Bottom Line:Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments about Market America Prime? Ultra Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer:

I take this before bed. I sleep like baby and wake up at 6 AM clear-headed, happy, and ready for my day. I do a particularly taxing style of deep-tissue bodywork where stamina is everything and like to work out pretty hard on top of that. Normally I could keep that up for a little while, but it was never long before I crashed and burned. Now I’m on top of my schedule and even have energy in the evening to socialize — That NEVER happened before. It’s no exaggeration to say that this product has given me my (quality of) life back!

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[5 of 5 customers found this review helpful]

Prime is PRICELESS! It works!
By Tony from New York, NY on 10/5/2008
Pros:Good Taste, Simple To Take, Produces Results
Best Uses:Men, Women, Older People, Daily Use
Describe Yourself:Health Conscious
Bottom Line:Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments about Market America Prime? Ultra Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer:

I’ve now been on Ultra Prime and Prime for Men for over a year now. As with most health products, you have to use them for a period of time to see real results. Well after 3 months, I noticed a BIG difference in my metabolism and body. I lost 15 pounds and the puffiness in my face was gone. I also noticed that I get the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life. I also get compliments ALL the time on how GREAT I look. I’m 41 but everyone tells me that I look 30. I highly rec’d Prime to anyone who wants to maintain their youth and grow old with vitality and grace!

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Primary Benefits:

Functions as a secretagogue to naturally increase the production and secretion of HGH by the brain’s pituitary gland
Acts as a safe, natural and effective secretagogue “trigger” to wake up the pituitary gland
Increases the production and secretion of your body’s own natural HGH
Recreates a youthful, natural pattern of HGH production and release into the body
Raises the level of HGH secreted by the body
Serves to enhance the production of selected hormones that ordinarily diminish during the aging process
Acts to significantly reverse the effects associated with the body growing older
Helps maintain the health of the body’s vital organs
Functions as an anabolic [agent] to build muscle
Builds protein to create lean body mass
Reshapes your body by building lean body mass and facilitating the breakdown of fat
Helps increase strength

Key Ingredients:

L-Arginine Aspartate 2.5 g, L-Arginine 3 g

L-arginine is an amino acid found in many foods such as dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, nuts and chocolate. It plays an integral part in several processes in the body, including cell division, wound healing, immunity to illness and the secretion of important hormones in the body. L-arginine ultimately contributes to the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) and prolactin via stimulating the pituitary gland and pancreatic release of glucagon and insulin all of which have an effect on several body mechanisms. The body also uses L-arginine to make nitric oxide (NO), a substance that helps to relax blood vessels (termed vasodilation) and also exerts several other effects in the body. L-arginine supplements may prove to be a good way for improving circulation to the heart and other affected areas such as blood vessels in the calves. These effects have been exhibited in various double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Glycine 4 g

Glycine is the simplest amino acid, used to make proteins. It works hand in hand with L-glutamine, another amino acid playing a part in brain function. Glycine has shown some positive implications in regard to enhancing mental function. A small double-blind study found evidence that glycine may help improve long-term blood sugar control.Another study hypothesizes that glycine may enhance memory and mental function. Glycine alone and in combination with other amino acids has shown to aid in wound healing.

Proprietary Blend: L-Glutamine, Colostrum, L-Lysine (as L-Lysine HCL), Taurine, DNA/RNA (from brewer’s yeast)

L-Glutamine is an amino acid derived from another amino acid, glutamic acid. L-glutamine is important when it comes to the health of the immune system, digestive tract and muscle cells. It acts as fuel for the cells that line the intestines. Heavy exercise, infection, surgery and trauma can decrease the body’s glutamine reserves, especially in muscle cells.

The fact that L-glutamine does several beneficial things in the body has caused some people to try glutamine supplements for various conditions that include fighting infections that often follow endurance exercise, reducing symptoms of overtraining, improving nutrition in critical illness, alleviating allergies and promoting digestive health.

Colostrum is the clear/cloudy pre-milk that female mammals secrete prior to producing milk. Colostrum for dietary supplements is usually derived from cows and contains various immunoglobulins also known as antibodies, as well as additional antimicrobial factors including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactalbumin, glycoproteins, cytokines, polypeptides, growth factors, and vitamins and minerals. Colostrum is claimed to help support the immune system, healthy bowel movements, support the gastrointestinal tract, and improve exercise performance and recovery. Cow colostrum contains the same disease resistance factors (immunoglobulins) which are a component of human breast milk and unpasteurized cow’s milk. There are several immune factors, which may be effective against different viruses, bacteria, yeast and other invaders.

L-Lysine is a protein amino acid, classified as an essential amino acid, which means that it must be obtained through the diet. Some proteins, such as those found in meat, poultry and milk are rich in L-lysine. Wheat germ is rich in L-lysine. Small amounts of free L-lysine are found in vegetables, vegetable juices, and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt. L-lysine may also have some value as an anti-osteoporotic. In the liver, L-lysine, and other amino acids, participate in protein production. It may be involved in the formation of D-glucose and glycogen, as well as lipids. It may also help to produce energy.

Taurine is is a nonprotein amino acid and is found in high amounts in the brain, retina, myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and neutrophils. It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources. Taurine is also present in plant food sources as well as seaweeds, in smaller amounts. It is classified as an essential amino acid, necessary for micelle formation and fat absorption. It’s important in the hydration of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells’ nutrient uptake, as well as improves physical reaction time. Further, it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to concentrate. Taurine also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities. It supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while delivering detoxifying activities

DNA/RNA is the genetic material that we all have stored in our bodies at the most cellular levels, governing a variety of body processes. DNA, which makes up the genetic material, is made up of units called nucleotides. Some recent research shows that the body may not always produce adequate amounts of its own DNA and RNA. There are certain conditions in which the body requires dietary nucleic acids and or nucleotides to meet its physiological needs. These conditions include rapid growth, limited food supply and metabolic stress. Under these conditions, metabolic demand exceeds the capacity of de novo synthesis. Under these conditions, dietary nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids become essential nutrients. Dietary nucleotides may spare the energetic cost of de novo synthesis of nucleotides. Dietary nucleic acids are found in plant and animal foods. Potential benefits of DNA/RNA supplementation include immune-enhancing and tissue-regenerating activities.

Folate (as Folic Acid) 150 mcg

Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark leafy greens, oranges and orange juice, beans and peas are the best sources as well as Brewer’s yeast, which supplies additional B-vitamins.

Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B-vitamins work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis. Scientific studies have found that when working in tandem with folic acid, B12 is capable of promoting normal homocysteine levels. This works toward supporting a healthy nervous system.*

Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 150 mg

Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent sources of magnesium because of The average daily magnesium intake in the U.S. for males nine years and older is estimated to be about 323 milligrams; for females nine years and older, it is estimated to be around 228 milligrams.

Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bone and is necessary for the metabolism of potassium and calcium in adults. It helps maintain normal levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, adrenaline and insulin. It’s also important for the mobilization of calcium, transporting it inside the cell for further utilization thus making it helpful in preventing osteoporosis. It plays a key role in the functioning of muscle and nervous tissue. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of all proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, lipids and carbohydrates. This mineral also inhibits the formation and growth of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney and bladder. Further, magnesium indirectly helps in reversing the effects of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation as involved with the aging process.

Magnesium is required for energy release, regulation of the body temperature, proper nerve function, helping the body handle stress and regulating metabolism. Magnesium works with calcium to regulate the heart and blood pressure. Importantly, Magnesium is required by the body to build healthy bones and teeth, and is required for proper muscle development. If taken in relatively high amounts, it works with calcium and vitamin D to help keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

print this page e-mail this page to a friend In the News:

Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?

Mary Lee Vance, M.D. Source: The New England Journal of Medecine

Market America is committed to providing its Independent Distributors and their customers with information they can use to maintain good health. Occasionally, the ingredients in our products are featured in third party literature, such as news or magazine articles. The above-links will take you to web pages that contain such articles, which were written and published by third parties, completely independent of Market America. Market America does not claim to support or agree with the content of these articles, nor does Market America represent its belief in claims made by the third party publishers. These articles are cited simply to provide independent, published information about some of the ingredients contained in our products. Further, the statements contained in the above-referenced articles have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Market America’s products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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print this page e-mail this page to a friend What Makes This Product Unique?

UltraPrimeTM represents the next generation of HGH-producing products that is far more advanced, concentrated and cost-effective than previous formulations. It uses a special blend of nutritional ingredients that will naturally increase the production and release of HGH by the pituitary gland. The very latest anti-aging neuroendocrine research reveals that hormone production is integral in the prevention of many age related health issues. Market America is leading the anti-aging fight by developing a system of advanced nutraceuticals with scientifically based formulations.

HGH, or human growth hormone, is the master hormone that drives the growth and development of the body. It causes the liver to produce powerful insulin-like growth factors (IGF), which contribute to the maintenance of lean body mass and the health of the body’s vital organs.

Research has proven that HGH-secreting cells of the pituitary gland do not die. They maintain their ability to make significant amounts of natural growth hormone. As part of the aging process, less HGH circulates through the body, because the pituitary gland is not stimulating its production. A secretagogue enhancer stimulates the pituitary to naturally produce and secrete HGH,raising the level of this valuable hormone within the body. UltraPrime serves as a trigger to safely and naturally stimulate the pituitary gland.

The scientifically based formulation in UltraPrimeTM features potent amino acids and nutrients that are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active nutrients. When it is taken as directed, these ingredients will work synergistically as a powerful secretagogue to effectively raise HGH levels. Powerful amino acids such as L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, Glycine and Colosotrum, which have been shown to increase HGH levels, and nutrients from Prime Factor, are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active proteins to effectively raise HGH levels.

Ultra Prime is a natural secretagogue that works as an HGH releaser, raising HGH levels in an entirely physiological manner. It gently stimulates, the endocrine system to produce and release its own HGH naturally. It works with the body, and not against it. The ingredients produce a synergistically to maximize the effectiveness of the potent amino acids and active nutrients. UltraPrime will work to maintain the body’s equilibrium. You can now give your body a firm metabolic push in the right direction so it can help itself.

UltraPrime is not only superior to similar products in the marketplace; it is in a class by itself. The specific amino acids and other natural ingredients are the result of years of study and research. All of the indicated ingredients in UltraPrime have been scientifically proven to raise HGH levels in the body. The amounts of these ingredients have been carefully selected to provide you with the most powerful and natural HGH Secretagogue formulation on the market today.

print this page e-mail this page to a friend Frequently Asked Questions:

What will UltraPrimeTM Secretagogue HGH Enhancer do for me?

UltraPrime helps build muscle and increase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), which governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. HGH helps influence the growth of cells that naturally decline as you age.

Are there any conditions where I cannot take PRIME products?

As noted on the product warning, if you currently have any cancerous condition, had a reoccurrence of a malignancy or have any benign tumors, we are recommending that you do not take PRIME.

If you have a history of any cancer or tumorous growths and you are more than five years in complete remission, we are suggesting that you check with your personal physician before taking this product and monitor the condition closely for any recurrence.

People with severe liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or those who are pregnant, should not take this product.

If you are suffering from any other complex medical condition or endocrinological disorder, you should discuss taking PRIME with your physician first.

If your liver function tests are above the normal limits, you should consult with your private physician before taking this product.

PRIME products are natural. We are not providing specific medical advice for any condition. If you have specific questions regarding a particular medical condition you may have and the use of this product, please take the PRIME educational literature to your private physician and discuss those issues in detail.

Can I take PRIME if I have diseases of the thyroid?

Some patients are hyperthyroid. This means their thyroid is overactive. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, you must be under the care of an endocrinologist. We are recommending if you have active hyperthyroidism that has not been treated, you should not take this product without getting the approval of your personal physician.

If you are taking thyroid replacement therapy for hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid you may take PRIME even if you are on thyroid replacement therapy with the approval of your doctor. PRIME stimulates all endocrine organs to produce more hormones, thus we are suggesting that you get your thyroid functions checked more frequently by your private medical doctor while you are taking this product.

For those patients who are lacking a thyroid gland due to thyroid surgery or total thyroid ablation therapy, there is no problem in taking PRIME. If you do not have a thyroid gland to begin with, PRIME cannot stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone.

Can I take PRIME if I am on hormonal replacement therapy?

Many postmenopausal women are on estrogen replacement therapy or estrogen/progesterone combinations. PRIME works well with hormonal replacement therapy. Men who are on testosterone replacement therapy may also take PRIME. Certainly any man or woman who suffers from any benign or malignant condition of the male or female reproductive system should consult with their personal physician before taking PRIME.

Can I have my serum Growth Hormone levels done at my doctors, to see if PRIME is working?

The best way to see if PRIME is working for you is to give the product a three-month test trial and see how you feel. If you are seeing positive changes in the way you feel, continue taking the product.

Several PRIME users have had their Human growth hormone levels measured incorrectly.

The measuring of growth hormone is very complex. Many labs use different techniques to measure HGH and due to lack of standardization some of them may not be valid. Serum HGH must be measured while fasting in the early morning without any carbohydrates taken within three hours of the blood being drawn. It must be handled and processed correctly and is a very costly test. HGH surges in the blood stream throughout the day. It enters and leaves the blood stream quickly. Blood tests may miss that surge and show a low level.

If you decide to get your blood tested, it is important to measure Insulin-like Growth Factor -type I levels to see if they are being increased. Remember that Human Growth Hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of Insulin-like Growth Factors of which IGF-I is the most abundant.

Most importantly, if you wish to have your blood tests done, you must first get baseline blood levels of HGH and IGF-I while off of PRIME. You should stop the product for at least two weeks and then start PRIME after your baseline blood tests have been done. After staying on PRIME consistently for one to three months, you should take your AM PRIME as directed and get your blood test done in one to two hours after PRIME ingestion.

Measuring HGH and IGF-I levels at different intervals while on PRIME will serve no purpose. What you want to see is an increase in HGH and IGF-I levels in your blood while on PRIME compared to while off PRIME.

How is Human Growth Factors different from HGH secretagogues?

HGH secretagogues function as combination HGH stimulant and releasing compounds. These generally contain a combination of amino acids and peptides designed to enhance the pituitary gland’s ability to release HGH. Human Growth Factors are soluble proteins, vitamins and botanicals that act as humoral regulators, which modulate the functional activities of individual cells and tissues throughout the body.

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print this page e-mail this page to a friend Primary Benefits:

Functions as a secretagogue to naturally increase the production and secretion of HGH by the brain’s pituitary gland
Acts as a safe, natural and effective secretagogue “trigger” to wake up the pituitary gland
Increases the production and secretion of your body’s own natural HGH
Recreates a youthful, natural pattern of HGH production and release into the body
Raises the level of HGH secreted by the body
Serves to enhance the production of selected hormones that ordinarily diminish during the aging process
Acts to significantly reverse the effects associated with the body growing older
Helps maintain the health of the body’s vital organs
Functions as an anabolic [agent] to build muscle
Builds protein to create lean body mass
Reshapes your body by building lean body mass and facilitating the breakdown of fat
Helps increase strength
Helps increase energy.
Maintains cardiovascular health
Helps increase endurance
Maintains immune health
Assists in improving sexual vitality
Increase the body’s metabolic rate to help break down fat and burn calories
Influences the growth of cells that comprise bones, muscles and other organs throughout the body
Maintains joint health

Key Ingredients:

L-Arginine Aspartate 2.5 g, L-Arginine 3 g

L-arginine is an amino acid found in many foods such as dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, nuts and chocolate. It plays an integral part in several processes in the body, including cell division, wound healing, immunity to illness and the secretion of important hormones in the body. L-arginine ultimately contributes to the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) and prolactin via stimulating the pituitary gland and pancreatic release of glucagon and insulin all of which have an effect on several body mechanisms. The body also uses L-arginine to make nitric oxide (NO), a substance that helps to relax blood vessels (termed vasodilation) and also exerts several other effects in the body. L-arginine supplements may prove to be a good way for improving circulation to the heart and other affected areas such as blood vessels in the calves. These effects have been exhibited in various double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Glycine 4 g

Glycine is the simplest amino acid, used to make proteins. It works hand in hand with L-glutamine, another amino acid playing a part in brain function. Glycine has shown some positive implications in regard to enhancing mental function. A small double-blind study found evidence that glycine may help improve long-term blood sugar control.Another study hypothesizes that glycine may enhance memory and mental function. Glycine alone and in combination with other amino acids has shown to aid in wound healing.

Proprietary Blend: L-Glutamine, Colostrum, L-Lysine (as L-Lysine HCL), Taurine, DNA/RNA (from brewer’s yeast)

L-Glutamine is an amino acid derived from another amino acid, glutamic acid. L-glutamine is important when it comes to the health of the immune system, digestive tract and muscle cells. It acts as fuel for the cells that line the intestines. Heavy exercise, infection, surgery and trauma can decrease the body’s glutamine reserves, especially in muscle cells.

The fact that L-glutamine does several beneficial things in the body has caused some people to try glutamine supplements for various conditions that include fighting infections that often follow endurance exercise, reducing symptoms of overtraining, improving nutrition in critical illness, alleviating allergies and promoting digestive health.

Colostrum is the clear/cloudy pre-milk that female mammals secrete prior to producing milk. Colostrum for dietary supplements is usually derived from cows and contains various immunoglobulins also known as antibodies, as well as additional antimicrobial factors including lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactalbumin, glycoproteins, cytokines, polypeptides, growth factors, and vitamins and minerals. Colostrum is claimed to help support the immune system, healthy bowel movements, support the gastrointestinal tract, and improve exercise performance and recovery. Cow colostrum contains the same disease resistance factors (immunoglobulins) which are a component of human breast milk and unpasteurized cow’s milk. There are several immune factors, which may be effective against different viruses, bacteria, yeast and other invaders.

L-Lysine is a protein amino acid, classified as an essential amino acid, which means that it must be obtained through the diet. Some proteins, such as those found in meat, poultry and milk are rich in L-lysine. Wheat germ is rich in L-lysine. Small amounts of free L-lysine are found in vegetables, vegetable juices, and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt. L-lysine may also have some value as an anti-osteoporotic. In the liver, L-lysine, and other amino acids, participate in protein production. It may be involved in the formation of D-glucose and glycogen, as well as lipids. It may also help to produce energy.

Taurine is is a nonprotein amino acid and is found in high amounts in the brain, retina, myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and neutrophils. It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources. Taurine is also present in plant food sources as well as seaweeds, in smaller amounts. It is classified as an essential amino acid, necessary for micelle formation and fat absorption. It’s important in the hydration of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells’ nutrient uptake, as well as improves physical reaction time. Further, it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to concentrate. Taurine also has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities. It supports healthy cholesterol and blood pressure. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while delivering detoxifying activities

DNA/RNA is the genetic material that we all have stored in our bodies at the most cellular levels, governing a variety of body processes. DNA, which makes up the genetic material, is made up of units called nucleotides. Some recent research shows that the body may not always produce adequate amounts of its own DNA and RNA. There are certain conditions in which the body requires dietary nucleic acids and or nucleotides to meet its physiological needs. These conditions include rapid growth, limited food supply and metabolic stress. Under these conditions, metabolic demand exceeds the capacity of de novo synthesis. Under these conditions, dietary nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids become essential nutrients. Dietary nucleotides may spare the energetic cost of de novo synthesis of nucleotides. Dietary nucleic acids are found in plant and animal foods. Potential benefits of DNA/RNA supplementation include immune-enhancing and tissue-regenerating activities.

Folate (as Folic Acid) 150 mcg

Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark leafy greens, oranges and orange juice, beans and peas are the best sources as well as Brewer’s yeast, which supplies additional B-vitamins.

Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B-vitamins work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as constructs the material for DNA and RNA synthesis. Scientific studies have found that when working in tandem with folic acid, B12 is capable of promoting normal homocysteine levels. This works toward supporting a healthy nervous system.*

Magnesium (as magnesium citrate) 150 mg

Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent sources of magnesium because of The average daily magnesium intake in the U.S. for males nine years and older is estimated to be about 323 milligrams; for females nine years and older, it is estimated to be around 228 milligrams.

Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bone and is necessary for the metabolism of potassium and calcium in adults. It helps maintain normal levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, adrenaline and insulin. It’s also important for the mobilization of calcium, transporting it inside the cell for further utilization thus making it helpful in preventing osteoporosis. It plays a key role in the functioning of muscle and nervous tissue. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of all proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, lipids and carbohydrates. This mineral also inhibits the formation and growth of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney and bladder. Further, magnesium indirectly helps in reversing the effects of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation as involved with the aging process.

Magnesium is required for energy release, regulation of the body temperature, proper nerve function, helping the body handle stress and regulating metabolism. Magnesium works with calcium to regulate the heart and blood pressure. Importantly, Magnesium is required by the body to build healthy bones and teeth, and is required for proper muscle development. If taken in relatively high amounts, it works with calcium and vitamin D to help keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

In the News:

Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?

Mary Lee Vance, M.D. Source: The New England Journal of Medecine

Market America is committed to providing its Independent Distributors and their customers with information they can use to maintain good health. Occasionally, the ingredients in our products are featured in third party literature, such as news or magazine articles. The above-links will take you to web pages that contain such articles, which were written and published by third parties, completely independent of Market America. Market America does not claim to support or agree with the content of these articles, nor does Market America represent its belief in claims made by the third party publishers. These articles are cited simply to provide independent, published information about some of the ingredients contained in our products. Further, the statements contained in the above-referenced articles have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Market America’s products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

What Makes This Product Unique?

UltraPrimeTM represents the next generation of HGH-producing products that is far more advanced, concentrated and cost-effective than previous formulations. It uses a special blend of nutritional ingredients that will naturally increase the production and release of HGH by the pituitary gland. The very latest anti-aging neuroendocrine research reveals that hormone production is integral in the prevention of many age related health issues. Market America is leading the anti-aging fight by developing a system of advanced nutraceuticals with scientifically based formulations.

HGH, or human growth hormone, is the master hormone that drives the growth and development of the body. It causes the liver to produce powerful insulin-like growth factors (IGF), which contribute to the maintenance of lean body mass and the health of the body’s vital organs.

Research has proven that HGH-secreting cells of the pituitary gland do not die. They maintain their ability to make significant amounts of natural growth hormone. As part of the aging process, less HGH circulates through the body, because the pituitary gland is not stimulating its production. A secretagogue enhancer stimulates the pituitary to naturally produce and secrete HGH,raising the level of this valuable hormone within the body. UltraPrime serves as a trigger to safely and naturally stimulate the pituitary gland.

The scientifically based formulation in UltraPrimeTM features potent amino acids and nutrients that are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active nutrients. When it is taken as directed, these ingredients will work synergistically as a powerful secretagogue to effectively raise HGH levels. Powerful amino acids such as L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, Glycine and Colosotrum, which have been shown to increase HGH levels, and nutrients from Prime Factor, are combined in a precise peptide formulation with other biologically active proteins to effectively raise HGH levels.

Ultra Prime is a natural secretagogue that works as an HGH releaser, raising HGH levels in an entirely physiological manner. It gently stimulates, the endocrine system to produce and release its own HGH naturally. It works with the body, and not against it. The ingredients produce a synergistically to maximize the effectiveness of the potent amino acids and active nutrients. UltraPrime will work to maintain the body’s equilibrium. You can now give your body a firm metabolic push in the right direction so it can help itself.

UltraPrime is not only superior to similar products in the marketplace; it is in a class by itself. The specific amino acids and other natural ingredients are the result of years of study and research. All of the indicated ingredients in UltraPrime have been scientifically proven to raise HGH levels in the body. The amounts of these ingredients have been carefully selected to provide you with the most powerful and natural HGH Secretagogue formulation on the market today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will UltraPrimeTM Secretagogue HGH Enhancer do for me?

UltraPrime helps build muscle and increase secretion of human growth hormone (HGH), which governs the body’s growth, aging and health maintenance. HGH helps influence the growth of cells that naturally decline as you age.

Are there any conditions where I cannot take PRIME products?

As noted on the product warning, if you currently have any cancerous condition, had a reoccurrence of a malignancy or have any benign tumors, we are recommending that you do not take PRIME.

If you have a history of any cancer or tumorous growths and you are more than five years in complete remission, we are suggesting that you check with your personal physician before taking this product and monitor the condition closely for any recurrence.

People with severe liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or those who are pregnant, should not take this product.

If you are suffering from any other complex medical condition or endocrinological disorder, you should discuss taking PRIME with your physician first.

If your liver function tests are above the normal limits, you should consult with your private physician before taking this product.

PRIME products are natural. We are not providing specific medical advice for any condition. If you have specific questions regarding a particular medical condition you may have and the use of this product, please take the PRIME educational literature to your private physician and discuss those issues in detail.

Can I take PRIME if I have diseases of the thyroid?

Some patients are hyperthyroid. This means their thyroid is overactive. If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism, you must be under the care of an endocrinologist. We are recommending if you have active hyperthyroidism that has not been treated, you should not take this product without getting the approval of your personal physician.

If you are taking thyroid replacement therapy for hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid you may take PRIME even if you are on thyroid replacement therapy with the approval of your doctor. PRIME stimulates all endocrine organs to produce more hormones, thus we are suggesting that you get your thyroid functions checked more frequently by your private medical doctor while you are taking this product.

For those patients who are lacking a thyroid gland due to thyroid surgery or total thyroid ablation therapy, there is no problem in taking PRIME. If you do not have a thyroid gland to begin with, PRIME cannot stimulate it to produce more thyroid hormone.

Can I take PRIME if I am on hormonal replacement therapy?

Many postmenopausal women are on estrogen replacement therapy or estrogen/progesterone combinations. PRIME works well with hormonal replacement therapy. Men who are on testosterone replacement therapy may also take PRIME. Certainly any man or woman who suffers from any benign or malignant condition of the male or female reproductive system should consult with their personal physician before taking PRIME.

Can I have my serum Growth Hormone levels done at my doctors, to see if PRIME is working?

The best way to see if PRIME is working for you is to give the product a three-month test trial and see how you feel. If you are seeing positive changes in the way you feel, continue taking the product.

Several PRIME users have had their Human growth hormone levels measured incorrectly.

The measuring of growth hormone is very complex. Many labs use different techniques to measure HGH and due to lack of standardization some of them may not be valid. Serum HGH must be measured while fasting in the early morning without any carbohydrates taken within three hours of the blood being drawn. It must be handled and processed correctly and is a very costly test. HGH surges in the blood stream throughout the day. It enters and leaves the blood stream quickly. Blood tests may miss that surge and show a low level.

If you decide to get your blood tested, it is important to measure Insulin-like Growth Factor -type I levels to see if they are being increased. Remember that Human Growth Hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of Insulin-like Growth Factors of which IGF-I is the most abundant.

Most importantly, if you wish to have your blood tests done, you must first get baseline blood levels of HGH and IGF-I while off of PRIME. You should stop the product for at least two weeks and then start PRIME after your baseline blood tests have been done. After staying on PRIME consistently for one to three months, you should take your AM PRIME as directed and get your blood test done in one to two hours after PRIME ingestion.

Measuring HGH and IGF-I levels at different intervals while on PRIME will serve no purpose. What you want to see is an increase in HGH and IGF-I levels in your blood while on PRIME compared to while off PRIME.

How is Human Growth Factors different from HGH secretagogues?

HGH secretagogues function as combination HGH stimulant and releasing compounds. These generally contain a combination of amino acids and peptides designed to enhance the pituitary gland’s ability to release HGH. Human Growth Factors are soluble proteins, vitamins and botanicals that act as humoral regulators, which modulate the functional activities of individual cells and tissues throughout the body.

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[1 of 1 customers found this review helpful]

My favorite Workout Enhancer Ever!
By Deep Massage NYC from New York, NY on 10/29/2008
Pros:Simple To Take, Good Taste
Best Uses:Women, Daily Use, Older People, Men
Describe Yourself:Medical Professional, Health Conscious, Regular User
Bottom Line:Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments about Market America Prime? Ultra Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer:

I take this before bed. I sleep like baby and wake up at 6 AM clear-headed, happy, and ready for my day. I do a particularly taxing style of deep-tissue bodywork where stamina is everything and like to work out pretty hard on top of that. Normally I could keep that up for a little while, but it was never long before I crashed and burned. Now I’m on top of my schedule and even have energy in the evening to socialize — That NEVER happened before. It’s no exaggeration to say that this product has given me my (quality of) life back!

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[5 of 5 customers found this review helpful]

Prime is PRICELESS! It works!
By Tony from New York, NY on 10/5/2008
Pros:Good Taste, Simple To Take, Produces Results
Best Uses:Men, Women, Older People, Daily Use
Describe Yourself:Health Conscious
Bottom Line:Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments about Market America Prime? Ultra Secretagogue – HGH Enhancer:

I’ve now been on Ultra Prime and Prime for Men for over a year now. As with most health products, you have to use them for a period of time to see real results. Well after 3 months, I noticed a BIG difference in my metabolism and body. I lost 15 pounds and the puffiness in my face was gone. I also noticed that I get the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life. I also get compliments ALL the time on how GREAT I look. I’m 41 but everyone tells me that I look 30. I highly rec’d Prime to anyone who wants to maintain their youth and grow old with vitality and grace!

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